Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Toy Stories - Staking a Tinker WIP-4

I  laid in the solder strips and window panes (minus the shadows..) and added the patina to the truck cab.  I've also painted in the grill and added the patina to it as well... this truck is really fun to paint.  The challenges I've faced so far are the openings in the bed.  You'll notice in some cases only the inside of the bed is visible but in other instances the background is visible as well.   i still need to make some adjustments to them... maybe later tonight.

I may not be adding a picture tomorrow, I'm visiting the Blanton Museum.  If  I get home early enough to paint - I'll be sure to post but it may be late.


  1. I love watching your "step-by-step" process. Your hard work is paying off.
    So many viewers at Opening Reception made eloquent comments about your pieces.....and why wouldn't they? You've put your heart and soul into your work and it absolutely shows!!

  2. Dee, you're very kind. I appreciate your watching! Your encouragement means a lot and I always appreciate your comments. Thank you.
