Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haulin' "A"

Continuing with Haulin' "A".  I've been debating on whether to paint out the window seal/frame or not.  Not sure if it will be a distraction or not.  I have two other Toy Stories paintings in the series which I used a different window seal/frame in - one with more of the blue green color in it and they turned out well.

These window seal/frames have a lot of character in them as stand alone pieces.  A Friend gave them to me.  They were removed from a very old house during a demolition.  I think the blue/green stain on them must have been something they used to prevent rot?  Not sure (correct me if I'm wrong...) but it sure provides an interesting contrast...

This particular seal/frame one has more of the yellow tan tones in it which I thought would help with the block colors. 

We'll here is the next picture of the painting in it's progress:  The "A" has been painted...:)

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