Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cherries, Cherries, Cherries - "Fiesta Cherries"

I'm back again (at least for a couple of days).  I'll be heading out on a two week trip to capture some scenes for future painting subjects.  I'll of course be posting the finished works here.   Please hang in there with me...  I plan to get back in full action (including posting every day) once I return ... August 1st.   Most of what I'm doing right now are small works that will be on display at a future exhibit (October 2011).  I'll post more about that as the time approaches.  I have a wonderful still life set up and ready to go when I return.  I think you'll like it...  

So... what have I been up to?  I've been painting Cherries!  One of our local stores had a sale of the most beautiful succulent cherries I've seen in a long while!  I just couldn't resist grabbing a handful and posing them...  I didn't capture the steps this time.  I know some of you really like seeing the steps so I promise to get back into the groove of doing that in August.  

"Fiesta Cherries":

"Fiesta Cherries" is on  6x6 linen.  The cherries are piled in the small bowl - typically found in the  center of a vintage Fiesta relish dish - in this case the piece represented is vintage turquoise blue.