Thursday, April 28, 2011

Toy Stories - Staking a Tinker - FINAL

Just finished the Staking a Tinker painting.  Added some detail and cleaned up a couple of areas where the red got away from me... and signed it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toy Stories - Staking a Tinker - WIP #8

We're in the home stretch!  There are still a few more details to capture before it's ready to sign but I'm nearly there... :)   I'm posting a little early today as I have an appointment in Georgetown; however, if I still have some energy left when I get home later tonight... I'll continue.  I've noticed the tinkers bead head looks a bit blurry... his features are just about rubbed off from age (I guess at 84 years old - I'd be pale too!)
I intend to see what I can do about it - and still maintain the age appearance.  Also added are the broken string sections (around the neck, on the hub and wrapped around the axle.  and the horse has what appears to be a beard (lol) but I'm sure that's not what it is... I painted it in anyway...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Staking a Tinker WIP #7

This one is taking a bit longer than I had anticipated.  All those WHEELS!  Augh!   :)  The little guy is coming along fine though.  I still have quite  a bit of touch up and finishing strokes to add before he'll be done.  I'm hoping tomorrow...   The shadows in the window have been added now as well.  Thanks for stopping by.  :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Staking a Tinker WIP #6

I was able to clean up some of the lines on the solder joints, add the stained glass (it's so dark - you can hardley tell in the pic) and lay in the ground work for the wood window frame.  I also painted the outer areas (to outside of window frame).     Here ya go... :)

If the picture looks crooked to you ... it is.  I'm propping them up against the side of my shadow box and if I don't tilt them a bit, they fall.   Once completed, I can work on a better way to snap them so they will be square (not crooked... :))

Toy Stories - Staking a Tinker #5

This truck is so COOL!  It has it's challenges in detail but has been a fun work in progress.  I finished the truck bed platform and tires on Friday.  (I fully intended to post this but didn't have my pic yet.)

I'll be working on the frame and tinker in the next few days so it will hopefully start to shape up... :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Toy Stories - Staking a Tinker WIP-4

I  laid in the solder strips and window panes (minus the shadows..) and added the patina to the truck cab.  I've also painted in the grill and added the patina to it as well... this truck is really fun to paint.  The challenges I've faced so far are the openings in the bed.  You'll notice in some cases only the inside of the bed is visible but in other instances the background is visible as well.   i still need to make some adjustments to them... maybe later tonight.

I may not be adding a picture tomorrow, I'm visiting the Blanton Museum.  If  I get home early enough to paint - I'll be sure to post but it may be late.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Staking a Tinker WIP-3

I was able to make some good progress today.  I'm posting what I have completed so far but plan to continue after dinner... :)   I love watching a new painting unfold.  (It's like opening a present !)

The red cab colors have been laid.  I'll be working on the stain glass solder areas tonight and adding the patina colors on the truck cab tomorrow ...


I thought I'd show you the palette.  

Is this nuts or what??!!  I don't normally label it but thought it would make more sense to those of you watching.. :) 

I worked on color matching for another three hours and then began laying in the paint on Monday. 

I decided to start on the truck... since it's really the featured toy (unless tinker steals the show!)  The greens look very bright but still have a lot of patina on them... especially on the outer side.  I'll be working more on that today and I'm hoping to get the truck finished by this evening...  I'll post my progress tonight (Tuesday) ... Thanks for watching!  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday and Sunday progress

I've been mixing paint!  I found that there are numerous values in each of the subjects of this work.  I'm now ten hours into it and almost done!

Will be posting a progress pic on Monday....


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Toy stories - Staking a Tinker

Here is the next set up I'm working on.  The truck is a Wyandotte Stake Truck dated around World War II - 1930's - 40's.  It is on loan from a VERY nice gentleman I met at an antique mall at a town 100 miles from home.   Bill Shideler has a booth at the Red Barn in Round Top and a website where he sales his antique toys.   This particular truck is made from pressed metal and has wooden wheels.

I told Bill that I've been using antique toys as subjects in my oil paintings to capture them before they deteriorate... he gifted me a Wyandotte  truck like Heavy Metal - but in much better condition (which I'll be using in a future painting) and loaned me this stake truck  and a tin mechanical airplane  and asked me to return them when I was finished!  There ought to be more trusting soles out there like Bill.

The horse toy is actually from Tinker Toys.  It was made pre-tinker toys (that we're familiar with) in Evanston, Illinois.  I ran across a sales ad which has it pictured  - dated 1927.  How fun is that!

The satined glass window has seen better days - probably 1940's.  The paint is peeling off the frame like crazy!  But the beautiful colored glass shaping the arrow is a gorgeous emerald and crimson.  I hope I can do it justice.

Here is the photo set up:

and the drawing:

 I'll be posting my progress daily.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Whole OJ" finished

I finished this today and am moving on to the next Toy stories painting.

The fabric behind the bowl is an embroidered voile I had.  the size of this piece is 6 in. x 6 in.  Thanks for looking.

Monday, April 11, 2011

New Painting... "Whole OJ"

I'm alternating the Toy Story series with a few other subjects.  If the Toy Stories series is as special to you as it is to me... I'll be getting back to it next :)

I thought I'd do the vintage fiesta chartreuse bowl again - this time with a cut orange in it.  Here's the still life set up:  


I drew it out yesterday on a 6x6 canvas.
This is much smaller than the "Three Amigos" peppers painting shown in progress earlier on this blog.  My goal it to have it completed with in two days...  Here's my progress for today:

Just laying in the paint at this time... no major detail yet.  I'm not sure about the design on the curtain in my drawing ... it may be a bit too close to the center.  

Here it is with the background curtain... I did make an adjustment on the center motif so it wasn't smack dab in the middle of the canvas but it still  needs more adjustment  and detail.  I'm thinking a little more strategically placed  crimson buds...but will have to work on it tomorrow...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Haulin "A" - Finished

I added the antique window frame in...   These are from an old house that was torn down ... the frame behind the walls that rames out for window openings.  A friend gave me several of them and each one has different predominate colors... this one seems to work best with the tan tones in the blocks.

Had a few remarks as to whether they are distracting or not.  They seem to add some interest to the paintings I've had them in so far...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Haulin' "A"

The great debate... I decided to paint the window frame/seal out of the picture but having second thoughts...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Haulin "A"

Adding the blocks in front...this adds a bit of color...don't you think?   I'll be adding some wood grain detail and adjust the shadows next..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haulin' "A"

Continuing with Haulin' "A".  I've been debating on whether to paint out the window seal/frame or not.  Not sure if it will be a distraction or not.  I have two other Toy Stories paintings in the series which I used a different window seal/frame in - one with more of the blue green color in it and they turned out well.

These window seal/frames have a lot of character in them as stand alone pieces.  A Friend gave them to me.  They were removed from a very old house during a demolition.  I think the blue/green stain on them must have been something they used to prevent rot?  Not sure (correct me if I'm wrong...) but it sure provides an interesting contrast...

This particular seal/frame one has more of the yellow tan tones in it which I thought would help with the block colors. 

We'll here is the next picture of the painting in it's progress:  The "A" has been painted...:)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Haulin "A"

Here's the next WIP on Haulin "A".  Lovin this series...:)

I'm continuing with the base colors and adding the patina tones on the truck...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Toy Stories - Haulin' "A"

Hi friends!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  This next week will be very busy as I'll be assisting with the set up of an upcoming exhibit at "The Open Door Gallery".  The exhibit opens this coming (April 7th) Friday night and I hope anyone in the Austin or surrounding area will come.  It's sure to please.   Please email me and I'll provide more info.  I still hope to post daily... 

Back to "Haulin' "A""  - I'm starting to lay in the base colors of the truck.  Later I'll add the patina tones.  You'll notice my drawing shows two vertical posts to the outer sides of the truck and blocks.   These are part of a vintage window seal.  Well,  after I started laying in the paint,  I've decided to paint them out... I may change my mind later but for now, it's seems the thing to do...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Toy Stories - "Haulin' "A""

I've been away for a few days with friends ( in search of new subjects for art)  It's good to be home.

Along the lines of the vintage subjects I'm capturing on canvas... I toyed with the idea of what the truck was hauling...  I decided "A" was a good choice :).

For the next few days, I'll be posting my progress on the latest painting  - Haulin' "A".

If you happen to be around Georgetown, Texas during April... I invite you to stop by to view my art first hand at the Art Off The Square (Framers Gallery) just off the courthouse square in beautiful Georgetown, Texas.   Artist "Meet and Greet" tonight - April 1st.

Here's the photo set up and the drawing of Haulin' "A"...